In this follow-up, we’re tackling even more skincare terminology helping you get one step closer to glowing, healthy skin!
Hyaluronic acid (HA)
Found throughout the body’s connective tissue, hyaluronic acid is a type of carbohydrate called polysaccharides. HA is responsible for giving your skin structure and that plumped, hydrated appearance.
Humectants provide hydration. by attracting moisture into the skin. They are beneficial for all skin types but especially those with dry and oily skin. Hyaluronic acid and aloe vera are examples of humectants.
This can be triggered by UV light exposure, hormonal changes and even illness. The skin can appear darker in patches, or sometimes in smaller areas like an acne scar.
This means a product is less likely to cause an allergic reaction, though it doesn’t guarantee zero irritation for all skin types.
GMO - Genetically modified organism
GMO are not confined to food and are common in many skin and beauty products. They are used to produce higher levels of certain ingredients. Non-GMO products are ideal for those with sensitive skin as they are less likely to cause an allergic reaction. At ishga we are certified organic by the Soil Association, meaning our products contain no GMO ingredeints.
The surface of your skin contains billions of billions of microorganisms such as good bacteria that interact with skin cells and immune cells. They are the first line of defence and work to keep your skin happy and healthy.
Occlusives create a protective film on the skin that helps prevent moisture loss and are ideal for those with severely dry or damaged skin. Example ingredients include carnauba wax and shea butter.
Unlike food and farming industries which are upheld by legal standards, many companies can claim their products are “organic” despite having minimal organic ingredients in them. The only way you can be certain that a beauty product is truly ‘organic’ is through the certification. ishga is proud to be Organic Certified by the Soil Associationand to achieve this certification, 95% of all plant and microbial ingredients must be organic.
Parabens are included in some skincare products as it helps to extend the shelf life of the product, preventing the growth of bacteria and mould. There has been evidence that parabens can mimic the effect of estrogen which can disrupt the normal function of the hormone system and can also cause skin sensitivities and allergies. ishga products contain no parabens.
Pthalates are a group of chemicals, controversial due to their impact on the endocrine system, which can disrupt our hormones. ishga products contain no phthalates.
Not to be confused with the safe ingredient SLES (Sodium laureth sulfate), SLS can cause skin irritation, which is bad news for those with sensitive skin or skin conditions such as eczema. SLS affects the proteins within the skin and over time can lead to skin becoming dry and cracked. ishga does not use SLS in products, only SLES, which you can read more about here.
Synthetic fragrance
Synthetic fragrances can cause the skin to become sensitive or allergic. The fragrance undergoes a chemical change once it comes into contact with the skin, which can then cause an allergic reaction. At ishga, the scents in our products only come from the organic essential oils used, such as lemongrass and lavender.
We hope that with this skincare knowledge you can feel more confident in choosing the right products for your skin. The key is to focus on what your skin needs and tailor ingredients and products accordingly.