6 ways a massage will put a spring back in your step

With a sigh of relief, we’re looking forward to the re-opening of spas in the UK. As we emerge from our homes and slowly return to a fuller sense of life and wellbeing, we’re remembering why massage is so good for us! Of course, we think our natural, organic ishga treatments are the best, but all professionally-delivered, regular massages work wonders. Here’s why...


  1. It’s good for your mental health

Let’s face it, we all need to look after our mental health right now. The touch of another human being, in the right setting, where we’re professionally cared for, is really relaxing and so good for us. Especially when we’ve been apart from our loved ones for so long. Massages have been found to ease stress and anxiety, leaving us feeling bliss and relaxed.


  1. It counteracts all the sitting around we've been doing

Sitting for long periods isn’t great for us, and for most of us, we have had to do far too much of that lately. Whether you’ve been working from home, shielding, or helping your kids with schoolwork, the chances are you’ve been feeling ‘postural stress’. This usually begins as a sore neck, or shoulders, but can show up as pain or weakness in your lower back or glutes. A trained massage therapist can help you rectify that imbalance.


  1. It eases muscular aches or pains

Are you stiff or sore? Regular massage will increase and improve your circulation, and that’s what helps aching muscles. Just as you would give a sore muscle a rub to relieve any pain, a skilled massage therapist will go deeper, to deliver longer lasting and more widespread relief. In 2011, a study in the Annals of internal Medicine found massage therapy to be as effective as any other treatment for chronic back pain.


  1. It helps you get a restful sleep

A good massage encourages peaceful, restful sleep, and will really help if you find it hard to go to sleep in the first place. It will promote vital relaxation if you’re going through any tough medical interventions, such as chemotherapy or radiation. Of course, we all need a good sleep to enjoy life and not feel tired and grumpy.


  1. It relieves headaches

Regular massage relieves stress by working away muscular tension in the body. It’s been found that just a single massage session can provide relief from persistent tension headaches. So, if you’re suffering from these, it’s worth considering a regular massage, or even a last minute session to help with a particularly bad one! At ishga we know that soothing essential oils promote relaxation too, and can really help.


  1. It boosts your immunuity

In 2010, a study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that massage boosts the body’s white blood cell count, which is crucial for a good, healthy immune system. The benefits of ishga’s seaweed skincare range can increase its effect. Our products are packed with the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are abundant in seaweed, but they smell wonderful too.


ishga’s trusted spa partners

Are you looking forward to springing into life with a soothing massage from one of our lovely ishga therapists? We hope you are. How often should you have one? Of course that depends on your budget. The more frequently you have a massage the better, but even one every two or three months will deliver benefits, and is a treat you can really look forward to.

If you’d like to prepare for the re-opening of UK spas next month, and book a well-deserved visit, discover our carefully chosen spa partners here, who will look after you in a luxurious and relaxing location, with all the right precautions in place to keep you happy and safe.


Discover your local ishga spa here

