Benefits of yoga

Yoga is ideal if you are looking for a low impact, restorative form of exercise. There are numerous benefits for the mind and body and an added bonus is that you don’t need an expensive gym membership or equipment to do it! 

Key benefits of yoga: 

  • Improved flexibility of muscles and joints 
  • Increased physical strength 
  • Improved posture 
  • Cardio and circulatory health
  • Brings a calm state of mind 

We have created two yoga sequences that you can follow along to in your own home. The background music is part of our immersive Sound Treatment, designed to compliment your ishga at-home experience. Composed by our partners at Swell using field recordings, traditional instruments and therapeutic sound techniques this specially designed composition will ground you in the moment, and aid relaxation before transporting you to the Outer Hebrides.

Our Rise and Shine Yoga Flow is a great practice to do in the mornings, getting you energised for the day ahead.

Rise & Shine Yoga Flow



Our Restorative Yoga Flow will calm the body and mind bringing you inner peace.

Restorative Yoga Flow




DISCLAIMER: As with all exercise programs, when using our exercise videos, you need to use common sense. To reduce and avoid injury, you will want to check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program. By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk. ishga and its partners will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of our online fitness videos, or information shared on our website. This includes emails, videos, all social media, and text. Thanks for your understanding.

