Ingredient Spotlight: Oils we use and what they do

We use a variety of natural oils in our products, each one bringing its own unique benefits. Sourced from nature, the oils provide vitamin rich nourishment for your skin, working in perfect harmony with our antioxidant rich Hebridean seaweed extract. 

Almond Oil 

The almond kernels and the nutty oil extracted from the almond tree are credited with promoting heart and skin health. The oil is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, D and E, monounsaturated fatty acids, proteins, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, and phosphorous, which explains why it is so good for our skin and hair. Thanks to the vitamin A content in the oil, it may even help reduce acne flare-ups.  

Found in:Invigorating Body Oil 

Amaranthus Seed Oil  

Known for its great skin benefitting properties due toits squalene content. Amaranthus oil contains flavonoids which strengthen the capillary wall. It can help to dilates blood vessels for smoother looking skin, as well as reduce inflammation which can be useful to soothe puffy, tired eyes.  

Found in:Rejuvenating Eye Balm 

Apricot Kernel Oil 

Apricot kernel oil spreads well and it is easily absorbed by the skin. It is a mild oil, so it can be tolerated by most people, and it is especially good for sensitive, inflamed, dry or mature skin. The natural oil also enhances skin elasticity and leaves a soft and smooth quality. 

Found in:Anti-oxidant Marine Cream 

Argan Oil 

Argan Oil is so beneficial for skin as it’s rich in vitamins A, C and E, as well as being packed with antioxidants, linoleic acid and omega-6 fatty acids. When applied externally, it can help boost cell production which results in healthier skin and hair. The triterpenoids naturally found in argan oil offer amazing health benefits for skin including the treatment of mild acne. It’s also been proven in studies to lower sebum levels, reduce overproduction of natural oils and improve overall appearance. 

Found in:Hydrating Hand Cream 

Bergamot Oil 

The essential oil of bergamot is extracted from the bergamot orange called citrus bergamia and is cold pressed from the rind of the fruit. Bergamot oil has antiseptic and healing properties, as well as being calming on the skin. 

Found in:Men’s Marine Cream 

Coconut Oil 

Coconut oil is used in many natural beauty products. It is naturally antibacterial and antifungal, is an excellent moisturiser and can penetrate hair better than other oils. 

Found in:Organic Conditioner 

ishga shampoo

Jojoba Oil 

Jojoba is a classic ‘long’ oil which offers excellent lubrication in a whole-body massage. It leaves a non-sticky feeling on the skin. It is used in skincare products for its protecting and moisture retaining qualities, and it can be used for all skin types. It is excellent in acne treatment products as it works as an emulsifier to unclog the pores. It’s also a great oil for protecting the skin from wind, dirt, cold and other environmental factors. Jojoba oil is an occlusive moisturiser and a skin emollient. 

Found in:Invigorating Body Oil 

Macadamia Nut Oil 

Macadamia Nut Oil is a classic oil for mature skin as it contains over 20% palmitoleic acid. Palmitoleic acid also occurs naturally in our skin as part of sebum, where its job is to maintain moisture levels, meaning the body recognises it. Our levels of palmitoleic acid reduce with age, which results in drier skin. Macadamia nut oil is therefore an excellent ingredient to have in products for mature and dry skin, as well as skin which has difficulty retaining moisture. 

Found in:Anti-oxidant Marine Cream 

Mandarin Red Essential Oil 

A valuable source of antioxidants, mandarin oil neutralises free radicals that damage cells in the body. Mandarin oil is a natural remedy against the outward signs of ageing. Unlike other citrus oils, mandarin oil is not phototoxic, so it is safe to use on the skin before exposure to sunlight. This oil is uplifting, soothing and is calming to the skin. 

Found in:Hebridean Marine Toner 

Olive Oil 

Naturally, olive oil is packed with anti-aging antioxidants and hydrating squalene, making it superb for hair, skin, and nails. Olive oil offers skin nourishing, softening & protective qualities. 

Found in:Organic Conditioner 

Sunflower Oil 

Sunflower Oil is a natural and healthy way of maintaining great skin, thanks to its calming and moisturising properties. Being rich in nutrients and antioxidants, it is widely used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes and is found to be effective against acne, eczema, inflammation, general redness and irritation of the skin. It does not clog pores and is anemollient, meaning it hydrates and smooths. 

Found in:Organic Conditioner 

Thistle Oil 

Thistle Oil is an excellent source of omega 6 & essential fatty acids (also known as Vitamin F), as they can make up over 80% of the oil content. Thistle oil helps to reduce the size of skin pores and is therefore excellent for people who want to re-balance their skin type whilst softening and maintaining hydration to keep fine lines at bay. 

Found in:Nourishing Face Oil 

We hope you enjoyed learning more about the wonderful natural ingredients we use in our products. How many are you familiar with?
