
This week, we’d like to introduce you to someone very special from Stornoway, on the Island of Lewis. 23-year old Kara Hanlon is an extremely talented swimmer, and one of Scotland’s most promising sporting talents.
  • 4 min read
Tuesday 8th June is World Oceans Day. It’ll be no surprise that at ishga, we’re incredibly passionate about the ocean, how important it is, and about its unique ability to heal and rejuvenate. Like many other people around the world, our livelihoods depend on it, and so today we hope you’ll join us to celebrate.
  • 3 min read
It’s a misconception that great skincare is just for women. It’s the way we’re conditioned to think, but more and more men are waking up to the fact that they deserve to look after themselves too. We all age, so why shouldn’t they be able to stay handsome and healthy-looking for longer too?
  • 2 min read
The ocean is what makes ishga products special. Our beautiful golden sands and turquoise waters are breathtaking, and our remote location means that the clear water and the plantlife that grows there is so abundant in vitamins and minerals, that it makes an amazing difference to your skin.
  • 3 min read
April is stress awareness month, and has been for the past 29 years, since 1992. Today, it’s fair to say, we’re more stressed than ever, with busy, demanding lives and a global pandemic just to add to the load. We’re surrounded by noise that commands our constant attention and instant reaction, and unless we make a conscious effort to recognise the stress in our lives, our mental and physical health will suffer.
  • 4 min read
At ishga, we care about nature. We’re firm believers in the power of natural skincare to heal, and we’re passionate about seaweed, and the unique ability it has to restore us.
  • 3 min read
With a sigh of relief, we’re looking forward to the re-opening of spas in the UK. As we emerge from our homes and slowly return to a fuller sense of life and wellbeing, we’re remembering why massage is so good for us! Of course, we think our natural, organic ishga treatments are the best, but all professionally-delivered, regular massages work wonders.
  • 3 min read
At ishga, our quest to deliver the healing power of the sea and bring you joy continues. We’re delighted to tell you of our latest partnership with Glasgow’s multi-award winning company Cutitronics, which means we can now analyse the health and condition of your skin at any time, using a clever ‘Fitbit’ style device.
  • 2 min read
It’s March, and spring is starting to burst into life in the north of Scotland. The beautiful white beaches and turquoise waters of The Outer Hebrides are slowly warming with the spring sun, just a little bit, but with the promise of much more to come.
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We’re cooped up just now, and it feels like a long time since we’ve had a normal routine. Sometimes routines can be a drag, but they also keep us grounded and create good habits for the body and mind.
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We’d like to wish all our wonderful customers a very Happy New Year, and for everyone, we hope for a real breakthrough with the horrible restrictions we’re all facing.
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Organic skincare is all around us, and just like organic food, we’re told it’s so much better for us than other brands we might have trusted for years. We want to take a look at what makes it different. What makes it so special?
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