For part 2 of our A, B, C's of skincare, we're running through letters M to R, giving you everything you need to know about the ingredients we use as well as skincare knowledge to help you make informed decisions on your journey to your very best skin!
- May 30, 2022
- 2 min read
- May 09, 2022
- 2 min read
- May 02, 2022
- 5 min read
- April 27, 2022
- 1 min read
- April 25, 2022
- 1 min read
While there are many skincare terminologies and ingredients out there (we could probably create a book!), there are some that are pretty useful to know to make sure you’re applying the right products for your skin type. It can be overwhelming when they are so many different ingredients to know what's best for you and your skin. Below, we run through a brief summary of the key ingredients we use and general skin terminologies to help you make informed decisions on your journey to your very best skin!
- April 15, 2022
- 3 min read
- March 04, 2022
- 4 min read
- February 08, 2022
- 3 min read
This month we caught up with one of the Co-founders and Directors of ishga, Malcolm Macrae. Learn about how his science background, marriage and friendships led to the creation of the luxury skincare brand we know today.
- January 24, 2022
- 3 min read
What is Blue Beauty?
The current state of planet Earth’s environment has been an important topic for debate for many years now. Our oceans are littered with plastics that have no place to be there, affecting marine life and the fragile ecosystems in which they live.
As more of us become aware of the importance of protecting our oceans and living sustainably, it is now up to everyone, including brands big and small, to start making positive changes that aim to have a long-lasting impact on restoring the health of our oceans.
- January 10, 2022
- 4 min read
What a year it's been! 2021 has been a challenging, but exciting year. As we head into the new year, we're celebrating a few of our recent highlights...
Christmas is just around the corner, and it’s not long until we’ll be spending time with loved ones and enjoying a well-deserved festive break. And, if you happen to be heading to the capital to do a little last-minute shopping, we have exciting news – you can now find our range in the new Harrods H Beauty store in the St. James Quarter shopping centre in Edinburgh.
- December 14, 2021
- 2 min read
We’ve put together a handy little guide to make shopping with ishga a pleasure, but remember it’s not just the little gems on our list that are worth considering. Our full, award-winning range is simply packed with natural goodness, and guaranteed to deliver relaxation and rejuvenation for the people you love.
- November 23, 2021
- 4 min read